Dory is a snuggler. She loves to cozy up with Mom and Dad, laying down on her tummy with her arms up in the air, almost wrapped around our necks like a big hug. She eats lots and right on schedule, seems like 3 hours on the dot most times. She is pretty good at night, following that 3 hour schedule, waking up to eat and then she goes right back to sleep for another 3 or even 4 sometimes. We can't complain about that. She has gotten a little noisier the last few days but still doesn't cry a whole bunch. Dorothy has been awake much more with big eyes and looking around.
She loves to be wrapped up in her blankets but hates having her arms trapped down. Her little arms always manage to work their way out of the blanket so they can be nice and free to stretch out while she sleeps.
Jane is saying that Daddy is the softee. It's true. Every peep she makes I want to check on her or pick her up. When Jane holds her I double check to make sure Dory's head is supported enough and when she wraps her up I always seem to be concerned that she can breathe in there. So far so good but I guess its true she has me wrapped around her little finger already. Oh well.
Speaking of Jane, she is doing great and feeling good. Getting enough sleep and looking forward to returning to her running routine. She has been going for walks with Dorothy around the neighborhood and may I say, has been looking great! She is already a terrific Mom and the motherly instincts are definitely there. I think Dorothy already favors her. What can you do? Jane is dreading having to go back to teaching after spring break but luckily it will be a short 6 weeks until the summer when she is done.
Dory's cousins, Christian, Andrew and Owen (the Red Ranger) all are in love with her. They love to come over and hold her and even read her stories. And they are very good about loading up on hand sanitizer when they come. They might love that more than Dorothy.
We are so grateful to have little Dorothy Jane with us. She is a sweet spirit in our home and so adorable. We love her so much and think she is perfect